I don’t know about you, but whenever I enter the final few weeks of December I naturally start to become more reflective. I look back on the year that has passed – the highs, the lows and the progress I made – and then re-assess my goals as I turn towards the year ahead.
I’ve been surprised to see a lot of criticism of new years resolutions and goals recently, with many stating that we should be able to set goals any time of year. Of course this is true, but let’s be honest – it is so much more motivating to do it as we head towards a fresh start like a brand spanking new year! Why not use this time as a boost to kick off working towards what we want to achieve? I see no harm in that.
So here I am sharing a selection of my goals and resolutions for the year ahead – some business, some health, some personal – in hopes that they might inspire you to work towards positive change in 2020. Here goes:
My Business Goals.
- Secure investment for Stay Wild.
- Develop & release my own reusable coffee cup.
- Earn enough to enable me to expand my team and delegate more tasks, so that I can establish a better work/life balance.
- Use my platform for good and donate £5,000 to charity through my Zanna van Dijk Ltd business.
My Health Goals.
- Aim to sleep for over 7 hours every night, ideally nearer 8.
- Schedule in a minimum of one extended digital detox.
- Mix up the plants I eat by introducing new & seasonal ingredients to support my gut diversity.
- Push my muscular strength and cardiovascular fitness to the next level so that I can take on my 2020 hiking challenges feeling strong and capable.
My Personal Goals.
- Find Ant and I’s dream home and move into it.
- No phone scrolling in bed.
- Call my parents once per week and see them once every 6 weeks, minimum.
- Give one compliment a day, minimum.

Of course, this is just a selection of my goals which I feel comfortable enough to share. I want to keep a few of my cards close to my chest – but hopefully these have helped get you thinking about what you want to work towards in 2020.
Where do you want your career to be? What kind of person do you want to be? How do you want to feel in your body? Who and what to do you want to give your time to?
This is a prime opportunity to work towards becoming your best self!
Happy New Year!
Zanna x